Recipe Packs
Quit the diet rollercoaster, balance hormones and lose fat while eating truly yummy food.
There’s two things I love: food, and helping people improve their diet naturally.
There’s no one-size-fits-all option when it comes to getting the nutrients your body needs to function, look and feel fantastic, but there are definitely changes everyone benefits from.
Whilst the best results always come from fully tailored meal plans, use these 3 packs to get some new inspiration (or join the Habit Coaching Group and get 30 brand new recipes every month (15 Plant Based & 15 Regular)).
When you feel ready, you can always get in touch to book a consultation to take your results to the next level!

Recipe Packs
Tired of the same old recipes, then figuring out what to eat when, then working out shopping lists?
Packed full of nutritious, quick and simple meals – these Recipe Packs will change your approach to meal times forever! And with Shopping Lists, Complete Weekly Meal Plans, My Fitness Pal Barcodes & Nutrients all listed, things just got a whole lot easier!

High Protein Recipe Pack
52 Delicious and Easy to Prepare Recipes to Support your Body’s Strength, Repair & Energy
Was £23
NOW £13

Low Carb Recipe Pack
40 Quick and Simple Recipes that Stop you Feeling Bloated and Uncomfortable at Meal Times. Great for Fat Loss Plans
Was £20
NOW £10

Plant-Based Recipe Pack
58 Wonderful Nutritious Plant Based Recipes that Could Change the Way you Eat Forever!
Was £23
NOW £13
OR...BUY ALL 3 NOW for just£27 (saving £39!!)